Sunday 18 November 2007

New design postponed

I have a new clothing design which I thought was ready, but I checked it in the new Windlight viewer only to find that windlight renders the clothes with lower contrast so my new top looks flat and listless where in the old viewer it was subtly shaded and coloured. I need to redo the texturing and shading before releasing it.

The same happens with my skin. I have several skins that I use for modelling and all of them are quite light. Under Windlight all the light colours get washed out and my face looks pale and chalky with no detail. My blushed cheeks have gone as well as my eye makeup. I will need too buy new skins which is going to be very expensive. My suggestion is that if you are buying a skin to go for the more suntanned version.

I hope to release two new designs next week.

Racing designs

Friday 16 November 2007

Hard Days Night

Picking up on the 1960s, the era of the Beatles, Kinks and Rolling Stones, this suit was designed for a Monkees tribute group. With black felt collar and light gray suit I have included various coloured shirts, including white and black. I named it "Hard Days Night".

Short sleeve sweaters

Original short sleeve sweater designs with large yarn patterns in five colours. These are designed to mix and match with my Ms Jane and Formuala ranges, or a good pair of jeans. I will be adding a different shade of blue to give more colour combinations.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Six Ms Jane shoes

Classic everyday shoes by identity


Three of my outfits at RPM-Car, two of these outfits are free courtesy of RPM-Car who are giving away branded outfits. RPM-Car can be seen at Dutch Business Park where you can drive a free car, play an asteroid game and have a car built around you.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Fashion show 4NOV

Modelling my Dress 50 is Dirjha Summers who kindly took this photo as I crashed trying to do the same!

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The show was held in Business Bureau Island and attracted over 40 people. The incredible Seraphine Khorana directed the show, remembering to describe the clothes and introduce observations as she talked. The models were great, including my own Kane Thorne making his first appearance. Kitten Ouatcha had set up the catwalk and reduced drag on the sim. Can't wait for the next show!